Renewal of the Clubs Community

May 30, 2023

Hello there. First of all, thank you for showing interest in the no-code DAO tool, “Clubs.” We are excited to announce that the Clubs community is undergoing a renewal. The new name for the community will be “PLAY! Clubs.

“PLAY! Clubs” is a community where we come together to share our skills, advice, and experiences, regardless of individual backgrounds, and create a space where we can positively influence one another. Let’s respect the diversity of participants, from top creators to companies, and grow together.

Key Features of the New Community

We aim to develop PLAY! Clubs into a community with the following characteristics:

Encourage Collaboration: Within the community, we promote collaboration among participants. Engage in conversations with other members and foster new collaborative efforts.

Offer What You Can: Don’t hesitate to bring your own unique assets and perspective to the community. Thanks to the assets you provide, there is a possibility of creating a community and ideas that make a positive impact on society. If you have any unused assets that could be transformed into something amazing within the community, please share them! Assets that you couldn’t make use of in the past could be something that someone in the community needs for innovations.

Give Back When You Can: When possible, if you see a situation where you might be of use, try to give back and help others. There may be times when you feel disinterested in conversations happening within the community or believe they don’t relate to you. However, if you try to make an effort, you might find it rewarding. In society, we use the money to purchase goods and experiences, but within the community, we “pay” by participating and offering our unique skills and perspectives to other members. By openly sharing your knowledge, time, and assets, you become eligible to receive rewards within the community. As you give more time engaging and helping the community, you will be rewarded with reverence from other members.

How to Join the Community

If you wish to participate, please apply through the entry form provided below:

PLAY! Clubs Entry Form

After a careful selection process, we will email the approved applicants with the link to access the community.

Announcement of Study Sessions

Weekly study sessions will be held for community participants. A wide range of guest speakers, from artists who already have their own communities to a community of traditional cultural artisans, will participate in each session and generously share their experiences. Join the community and participate in the study sessions!

Let's build together!

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